
Outside of commercially manufactured adrenaline rushes, the emotional toe-dipping lust for hot new skinny jeans or the fastest phone exists our increasingly rare genuine human experience. I sometimes struggle to remember that while life lives episodic, it is based on eternal themes. I hope that you are entertained by my exploration of this apparent dichotomy.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Broken Night

Feeling too much…
How can I
     and how does this happen? 
Fragments of a beautiful broken night are here now
     with things I’ve mined or thought or that stuck to me
From something somewhere someone. 

I found flaws in darkness, flaws saying
     there never was or is or will be
And prayers, my prayers?  Plaintive pleas to some forever flawless,
     Unspoken solemn screams
     at peace?  To…

A single thoughtless murmured murder,
     meaningless, a word a sentence a hush,
     and static speaks static.
But still
     a hundred unknown ends, fickle little life echoes

But does my soft killer lament the death?
Wish to take it back?
Does the thief regret the theft,
Or faithless lovers passion’s act?

I know now the mingling of blood-pump frost
     and wondrous warmth of you, of me. 
When careless flashed your knife in the darkness,
     my natural noire spilled private passion
     into that brutally broken night. 

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